Friday, December 28, 2012

Wow, it is now months since I have posted anything to my blog, but I finally redid the template, and I am determined to start posting again. I recently finished the ninth revision of my second book, and after one or two more times through, I think it will be ready to submit.
Christmas was wonderful. I got to be home with my family. That is all I need for a great Christmas. I hate to see the Winter Break end after New Year's, but I am excited to move forward to spring. Here in Bountiful, Utah we are deep in snow. It is beautiful, and yet I can't wait for sunshine, greenery, and warm weather. Of course, I suppose we wouldn't have our amazing springs, summers, and falls without rigorous, snowy winters. Na ja, so geht das!
I have been reading through Pride and Prejudice for the umpteenth time. To learn an art properly, one must continually sit at the feet of its masters. I just love some of the words and phrases she uses.
a report soon followed
air of decided fashion
whose dislike of his general behaviour was sharpened into particular resentment
Upon my honour
obliged to seek another branch of the subject
a most disagreeable, horrid man
there was no enduring him
Did you not?
To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying
made himself agreeable nowhere
To all these high-flown expressions Elizabeth listened with all the insensibility of distrust.
Oh what beautiful, vintage ways of saying things! I love it. That is why I write Regency.
I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


My manuscript just needs a little more editing. I hope to submit it by August (fingers xxxx).

The stately manor of Sherbourne Park was visible here and there between the last trees of Rowley Wood.  “Alexandra,” Rupert said in a near whisper as a sharp pang constricted his chest.  He looked away and clenched his jaw hard against a heaviness of heart and mind that threatened to unleash a flood of emotions he no longer dared entertain.  Wave after wave of pleasant visions of her lashed against his waning resolve. She danced softly through his mind, the colorful tapestry of her character stirring his admiration.  The passionate expressiveness of her eyes often mirrored the torment he knew weighed heavily on her mind, yet all the world seemed more glorious when she favored it with one of her brilliant, but gentle, smiles.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My second book is almost ready to submit!

I haven't posted to Blogger for almost two months.  I've just been extremely busy.  I finished the third revision of my second book this morning and feel like celebrating, so I'm going to post a snippet from the second to last chapter.  It isn't a spoiler that will give anything away, but I just thought it woul be fun to post something from the end in celebration of getting this far.  Thanks for taking a minute to read it.

The idea of pummeling them both crossed her mind, so desperate was she to reach Lord Carrington before he departed, but her family had not come this far to be sunk into the depths of embarrassment by her impulsive whims.  Though racked with an impatience that hurt to her bones, she halted and joined them at a quick-step.  Of course, the introduction was followed by a few agonizing minutes of prattle, after which she politely excused herself.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekend-Work-In-Progress Snippet

Alexandra stepped back.  “I do not know what to think, my lord.  I have found few men who may be believed at their word.  I want to think your motives are sincere, but that might not prevent you from a future alteration.  My family is indeed indebted to you for your assistance, but if you seek more recompense than an honest day’s work, I shall seek a position elsewhere."

“I am not so evil as you have every reason to think me, Miss Dancy, and I promise, you shall have no need to find other employment.  Though”—Allyne stepped forward to stroke her face—“your beauty is a sore trial to the strength of any man.”

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weekend Work-In-Progress Post

At present I am halfway through my second revision and am ironing out the storyline.  Could anything be more fun than writing novels and creating word and story paintings? I have done a lot of things in my life, and this is definitely one of the most enjoyable. I love to write! Thank you for dropping in on this week’s WIP snippet.
“You must take me for a simpleton, Miss Dancy. There is no such thing as a woman who feels only friendship for Carrington. How cruel is unrequited love, is it not?” Allyne said as he leveled his coup d’etat, then stepped forward and took hold of her shoulders before she could retreat, his pained, begging eyes gazing down at her. “Tell me if I would have any chance were our circumstances different.”

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thanks for taking a minute to read an excerpt from my work-in-progress.  Have a great day.
A beautiful woman was sending him an invitation every red-blooded man understood, and having already been deprived too many days of a woman’s touch, he felt a twinge of desire to accept, a tantalizing inclination that faded with astonishing haste.  Rupert wondered why the offer of such sweet nectar did not at once set him to orchestrating his conquest of the bold temptress, especially out here in a virtual wilderness away from opportunity.  Maybe getting dirt under his nails was cleaning up his morals.  Or perhaps a little distance between him and too much opportunity was giving him some perspective. 
My second Regency is mainly in the hero’s point-of-view.  Lord Rupert is the rakish son of the Marquess of Lansdowne.  His covert escapades to ferret out a ring of aristocratic criminals requires that he disappear into the British countryside for a short time under a false identity.  Here he meets Alexandra Dancy, a country miss whose family hides its aristocratic origins because they must guard a dark secret.  How can the two overcome the prejudices and hidden identities that divide them?  Sorry, you will just have to wait and read it to learn the answer.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday Work-In-Progress Snippet

Thanks for taking a minute to read an excerpt from my work-in-progress.  Have a great day.
Rupert had to admit it felt good to throw his title at the condescending butler and put him in his place.  The man’s sudden improvement of manners gave him more than a little satisfaction.  Without further discussion, Rupert found himself led post haste to an extravagantly appointed drawing room, where he immediately proceeded to memorize every detail of the assorted pictures and personal effects.  One portrait, however, made the need to remember anything else at once unnecessary.  As Alexandra had already revealed about a similar picture that hung in the her family's drawing room in Whitchurch, the man in the portrait was her father.
My second Regency is mainly in the hero’s point-of-view.  Lord Rupert is the rakish son of the Marquess of Lansdowne.  His covert escapades to ferret out a ring of aristocratic criminals requires that he disappear into the British countryside for a short time under a false identity.  Here he meets Alexandra Dancy, a country miss whose family hides its aristocratic origins because they must guard a dark secret.  How can the two overcome the prejudices and hidden identities that divide them?  Sorry, you will just have to wait and read it to learn the answer.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Book Signing tomorrow at the South Towne Barnes and Noble Authorpalooza!

I will be signing copies of my Regency romance, Lydia, tomorrow between 1 and 4 at the South Towne Barnes and Noble in Sandy. I hope some of you will be able to drop in and say 'hi."

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Work-In-Progress Snippet

Thanks for taking a moment to read an excerpt from my work-in-progress!Alexandra wanted to exclaim her absolute wish to be left alone by any and all gentlemen who were not Lord Carrington, but constrained by better manners, she struggled against a powerful reluctance to again produce her dance card.  At last, she managed to pull it from her reticule.  A scorching rejection of Lord Allyne's request hovered on her tongue, but she sealed her lips against the fervent wish to let it free and made a sincere effort to reward his admiring looks with a pleasant countenance.  Judging by his wilting smile, she had not answered his expectations.
My second Regency is mainly in the hero’s point-of-view.  Lord Rupert is the rakish son of the Marquess of Lansdowne.  His covert escapades to ferret out a ring of aristocratic criminals requires that he disappear into the British countryside for a short time under a false identity.  Here he meets Alexandra Dancy, a country miss whose family hides its aristocratic origins because they must guard a dark secret.  How can the two overcome the prejudices and hidden identities that divide them?  Sorry, you will just have to wait and read it to learn the answer.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Work-In-Progress Wednesday Snippet

Thanks for taking a moment to read this week's post.***Rupert reached his rooms and locked the door behind him.  In frustration, he tore off his shirt and blew out the lamp.  He reached his window in hardly two steps and threw it open. With his hands he grasped the casing on both sides and leaned forward into the fresh air.  The gentle, caressing currents seemed to carry Alexandra’s fresh scent to him as he remembered the way the loose tendrils of her hair had teased every nerve along his neck.  In his mind he re-conjured the sensation of his lips against hers until the ache and longing threatened madness. 

My second Regency is mainly in the hero’s point-of-view.  Lord Rupert is the rakish son of the Marquess of Lansdowne.  His covert escapades to ferret out a ring of aristocratic criminals requires that he disappear into the British countryside for a short time under a false identity.  Here he meets Alexandra Dancy, a country miss whose family hides its aristocratic origins because they must guard a dark secret.  How can the two overcome the prejudices and hidden identities that divide them?  Sorry, you will just have to wait and read it to learn the answer.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

WORK-In-Progress Snippet

Okay, I know.  This post usually appears on Wednesdays, and lately I'm not getting it up until Saturdays.  Maybe I need to give it another little rhyming title like Weekend Work-In-Progress Snippet.  Hmmm.  And I really ought to do posts on some other topics. It is just that I am so busy.  Thank you all my friends who read my posts.  I hope you all have a great weekend.

***He grasped the trinket and lifted it upward so as to study its intricate engravings.  With his nail he pried the two halves open, revealing a miniature drawing of a manor house.  Most females stowed tokens or portraits of a beloved inside a locket.  Curious that this caricature of a great manor house had been awarded that distinction.

Rupert gently snapped the charm shut and laid it with reverence in the middle of her fair chest.  As he pulled the coat back up high, his eyes were drawn to the alluring features of her heart-shaped face.  Her lips had warmed to a healthier hue now, almost pink.  He felt his pulse rise at the tantalizing thought of kissing her.  As if hearing his thoughts, she moved ever so slightly, drew in a breath, and opened her brilliant green eyes.  Both shock and relief swept through him, but her great teasing lashes closed again.