Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Thanks for taking a minute to read an excerpt from my work-in-progress.  See book blurb below.

Rupert acquiesced to her demands for the moment but inwardly vowed to the minions of hell who championed her demise that he would stop her from marrying Bedford and falling prey to his diabolical designs.   And he promised that he would do so without her knowing whom she had to thank.  Hers was not the only heart turning to stone.  He doubted it possible to ever find another Alexandra, and yet in spite of his tendency to rebellion against the strictures of his station, in the final analysis of his commitment to duty, he knew he could not defy his parents and marry a girl so far beneath him.  The fire to save her from herself and from Cecil Bedford burned in his veins.  A heart of stone emblazened in the kilns of passion and immovable determination was a fearsome thing for any opponent to extinguish, and until he had saved her and her family from the tragedy that awaited them, no one and nothing would do so.

My second Regency is mainly in the hero’s point-of-view.  Lord Rupert is the rakish son of the Marquess of Lansdowne.  His covert escapades to ferret out a ring of aristocratic criminals requires that he disappear into the British countryside for a short time under a false identity.  Here he meets Alexandra Dancy, a country miss whose family hides its aristocratic origins because they must guard a dark secret.  How can the two overcome the prejudices and hidden identities that divide them?  Sorry, you will just have to wait and read it to learn the answer.

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